Frequently Asked
General Questions
Is SOlar Energy economically viable in the northern Plains?
Yes. Over the last 10 years, solar energy has become increasingly cost competitive with traditional energy generations methods due to falling system component costs and increased efficiency measures. See this link for citation, or visit this website.
In addition to falling component cost, solar production in the northern plains benefits from our cold climate as well. In hotter climates like Arizona the intense summer heat reduces overall efficiency (because heat reduces conductivity). In colder climates, electrical components are more efficient and last longer, which means solar panels will perform better and last longer in North Dakota than they do in Arizona.
In addition to falling component cost, solar production in the northern plains benefits from our cold climate as well. In hotter climates like Arizona the intense summer heat reduces overall efficiency (because heat reduces conductivity). In colder climates, electrical components are more efficient and last longer, which means solar panels will perform better and last longer in North Dakota than they do in Arizona.
Does north dakota get enough sun light to make it worth installing a solar system?
Yes! North Dakota gets the most sunlight out of the northernly states.
This map indicates that solar radiation for North Dakota is equal to or better than that of Spain and Germany which rank respective as the world’s number three and number one countries for solar energy installations.
This map indicates that solar radiation for North Dakota is equal to or better than that of Spain and Germany which rank respective as the world’s number three and number one countries for solar energy installations.
Are their any tax incentives to installing a solar system?
Yes - 26% Federal Investment Tax Credit
can we help with grant writing?
Yes, we provide grant writing services, especially for USDA grants, like the Rural Energy for America Program.
What is the Rural energy for america program?
The program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements
Who may apply for this program?
Who may apply for this program?
- Agricultural producers with at least 50 percent of their gross income coming from agricultural operations.
- Small businesses in eligible rural areas.
Will solar panels damage my roof?
No. Lightspring will install the solar array racking and panels (modules) per manufacturer guidelines and will cause no damage. Similarly, if your roof is still under warranty, that warranty should remain unchanged with proper installation.
Do solar systems pay for themselves in north dakota?
Yes, absolutely. Power may be much cheaper than elsewhere, for now, but a solar system will more than pay for itself. On average a solar system will at least return 100% of its cost, often times, more than 200%.
Are solar panels durable?
Modern solar panels are designed to be extremely tough and durable, able to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as, one inch size hail. This is all done by placing the elecricity-generating components underneath thick, industrial-grade glass.
Will solar increase the value of my home?
Modern solar panels not only add a clean look, but also help lower and control energy costs while offering certain money-saving rebates and credits for the homeowner. All this adds up to increased home value and decreased selling time. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that homes with solar panels sell 20% faster than homes without them and for 17% more.
When do solar panels generate electricity?
The obvious answer is when the sun is shining, but over the years solar panels have become much more effecient and will generate electricity even when it is cloudy. Granted, the panels will generate less electricity, but they will still generate some.
What is net metering and do i have it?
Simply put, net metering is a way of using the electric grid to store the energy produced by your solar panel system for use at a later time. This would mean, that a battery is much less important. If have a battery was important for resiliency when the grid went down, then you will still want a battery for back-up.
Many utility companies around us have implemented net metering; MDU, Mor-Gran-Sou, Cass County all have a net metering system. Net metering practically ensures that your solar system will have a positive return on investment (ROI).
Many utility companies around us have implemented net metering; MDU, Mor-Gran-Sou, Cass County all have a net metering system. Net metering practically ensures that your solar system will have a positive return on investment (ROI).